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This is an invitation to all nonprofits, social ventures, and mission-driven businesses to join a thriving, collaborative, inspiring community. Impact Hub is the ecosystem you need to take your initiative to the next level. Impact Hub Baltimore offers 14 private offices designed for teams of 2 to 8 people. Affordable pricing starts at $740 per month.

Amenities include:

  • Free mailbox
  • Super fast wi-fi
  • Unlimited access to open coworking space and inspiring common areas
  • Unlimited access to small meeting rooms
  • One free event per quarter and 50% discount on event space rentals
  • 4 hours of monthly conference room time, 50% discount on additional time
  • One-year lease term
  • Connections to peers, mentors, and resources across the city
  • Connections to the growing Impact Hub network across the US and around the world

Apply below and our team will follow up to share details about available offices and to schedule a tour.

Claim Your Space

Apply below and our team will follow up to share details about available offices and to schedule a tour.

About Our Neighborhood

The recent renovation of the historic Centre Theater transformed the largest vacant building in Station North into a bright and bustling space at the heart of the city. We are honored to be a part of it and to have some great neighbors. Our neighbors in the building include the Johns Hopkins and MICA Film Programs, Baltimore Jewelry Center, Sparkypants Studios, and the Center for Neighborhoods–Central Baltimore Partnership, Jubilee Baltimore, Telesis, and Neighborhood Housing Services. From our central location in Station North, you can connect across the city and region. Amtrak, MARC trains, Light Rail, MTA Bus Lines, the Circulator, JHU Shuttle, and networks of bike lanes are right outside our door. We are just blocks away from the North Avenue Market, Charles Theater, MICA Graduate Center, Baltimore Design School, Baltimore Print Studio, Station North Tool Library, Red Emma’s, Station North Arts Café, Baltimore City Schools office, The Walbert offices, Baltimore Bicycle Works, as well as dozens of businesses, restaurants, bars, parks, and creative spaces around the neighborhood. Key partners and resources will be right at your fingertips.